Tuesday 23 April 2024

The Department at a Glance

Department of Hospitality at a Glance

With regard to the Law of the Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan; the significant role of domestic and international tourism industry in earning non-oil revenue, promote understanding among the nations, cement national unity and introduce the true face of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the world; the vital role of education in realizing these objectives; and the act ratified by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in its 300th session to grant the permit to establish the Higher Education Center of Domestic and International Tourism to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the curriculum for a bachelor’s degree in hospitality was prepared.

Graduates’ Career Prospects

Its graduates will have the opportunity to work in travel agencies, air transportation companies, catering and residential departments, domestic and international tourism institutes, and so on.

Since the students are required to know two languages, French, German and Arabic courses are included in the curriculum.